Welcome, Builders Exchange of Kentucky!
I am looking forward to our Customer Service Training class on January 5th!
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Builders Exchange of Kentucky Registration
I believe you are driven mad almost every single day by the level of customer service that exists today. Through my website and consulting services, I address the problem of today’s customer service disaster and provide proven solutions.
This website helps professionals build their companies by understanding internal and external customer service—a lost art and an opportunity to excel like never before. If you are great at customer service in today’s business environment, the exhilarating fulfillment benefits of your career will outshine and outpace your paycheck. If you can self-manage, focus on working within your team, you will achieve customer service excellence and live ‘Above the Fray’.
We provide tried-and-true solutions, training, consulting and practical tools for high achievers that your competitors probably don’t have a clue about. I have crafted these tools from personal failures and successes that came from understanding my customers and teaching each member of my team how to do the work of two people and enjoy the hell out of it. If you want to rise Above the Fray, our resources are here for your benefit.