Customer Service?

Customer Experience?

Customer Intimacy?

Customer Courtesy?

Customer Pleasing?

Customer Satisfaction?

When this site first launched,  we were strongly cautioned against calling the core of our product ‘customer service’.

Experts and very sharp people let us know that using the term customer ‘service’ would not apply or catch the attention of people and businesses. The first moniker we were advised to use was customer ‘experience’. Customer ‘experience’ would more appropriately delve into the deeper impression of the viewer and connect faster.  ‘Service’ was an old word that could not compare with the modern, and more sophisticated term ‘experience.’ So, the only way that training and talking about ‘customer service’ could work would be to call it ‘customer experience.’

Pretty soon it was made clear to us that customer ‘experience’ might not be the way to go.  A new sheriff was in town. It was called customer ‘intimacy’.  If we used the term ‘intimacy’ we would engage prospective partners with a deeper, more socially advanced term. Then it was suggested we use Customer ‘Courtesy’.  Then it was suggested we use the term Customer ‘Pleasing.’  Dizzying the number of ways to name customer SERVICE.  At the end of the day that is exactly what it is and what it should be called.

For further proof that ‘service’ is the correct term to use when helping a customer let’s look at one of the Webster’s Dictionary definitions of service.

‘Webster’s Definition of Service’ is the Assistance or advice given to customers during and after the sale of goods.
“Assistance or advice given to customers during and AFTER the sale.”

That is exactly the way service should be performed. You should be confident enough in your product to insure satisfaction AFTER the sale—not just make a sale and run from the customer, regardless of the customers’ level of satisfaction.  And please note that Webster’s definition calls for ‘advice’ as well as assistance.

Advice means cautioning the client against the wrong or ill-advised product even if it is a larger dollar sale. Stuffing unneeded product into the customers shopping basket is no way to build a business.  SERVICE is a magical word.  Less than 1% of the population of the United States of America are in the SERVICE of protecting our country.

So, whatever you call it—-service, or intimacy or courtesy or experience or whatever,  make sure you do it the way Webster’s suggests; ‘ASSISTANCE or ADVICE given to customers during and AFTER the sale.’

Thank you for reading.

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