The Missing Airplane

“I’m Busy”

The Ringleader, The Follower and the Protégé

STOP THE PRESSES —–Someone used technology EFFECTIVELY!!!

The Pappy Van Winkle Phenomenon

Waiting in Pain

Employee Turnover. VERY COSTLY—but there’s a SOLUTION!

Convenience Fee? For WHO??

The Regional Manager Is In!

Customer Service: Everybody Claims It. But Nobody Trains It.

Customer Service: The Best Part of a Vacation!

The World’s Greatest Advertising Campaign. Probably Right Outside Your Door!

College is not ALWAYS the Answer. Customer service ALWAYS IS

It’s the LITTLE Things that can make a BIG Difference in Customer Service

One BIG FOOT of Customer Service

So You Wanna Have a Career in Sales? Better Learn to Move FAST!

A Tip of the Cap to Riverhouse Restaurant

Consumer Advocates: Are They Helping? Or Hurting?

Side Effects May Include…

A Visit to the Apple Store

How a Business Owner Gained a Customer for Life by Simply Answering the Phone

The Government is Shut Down. So What’s New?

Guest Post: Are you a High Potential or a Proven Performer, a Solo Competitor or a Team Collaborator?

Guest Post: Congratulations Staples! You Checked All 3 Boxes of ACSD! And Not in a Good Way

The Post Office Claims Great Service and Stands Up to IT!


If you’re in the ‘Just 100,’ you’re ‘Just Great’

Customer “Intimacy” Explained

The “Sign” of a Bigger Story

Dear Airlines, You have some work to do! Signed, Captain Obvious

New Name, Same Great Service

Security Companies and 2 Recordings Don’t Mix

The Best Customer Service Providers Keep Getting Better, Congratulations for the GREATEST Return Policy EVER

What Business Are You In?

A Customer Service Review sent to a Non-Customer?

The EASY Return. Another Form of Gonzo Advertising

Lesson Learned. The Teacher? Tennessee Football Fans!

The Human Touch: Still the Most Effective Way

Your Company Provides Excellent Customer Service. How do you Know?

A 6 Hour Work Day. Say What?

My Teeth Hurt!

How to Motivate Employees to Provide Excellent Customer Service

A “Warehouse” of Service!

The Disney Secret

Domino’s Pizza: A Lesson in Rebranding

Babe Ruth. Home Run King. And Strike Out King.

Did you know that your Coworkers are also your Customers?

Turn an Angry Customer into an Advocate

Bringing Down the Wall: Informal Meetings

Delta Airlines: Your Customer Commitment Needs to be Rewritten

When Meetings Prevent Us From Meeting the Customer

ACSD: America’s Customer Service Disaster

A Convenience Fee? Convenient For Who??

The Least-Shocking Headline Ever: Chick-fil-A Wins With Customer Service

Humans Need Not Apply

“FREE TRIAL!” Baloney!

Quantifying Gain and Loss in the Mortgage Business

By the Numbers: Quantifying Good Customer Service in a Restaurant

You Have 14 Minutes

Beware of Seminars

The Tortoise and The Hare

Some Great Ways to Annoy Your Customers

Quantifying Good and Bad Customer Service in Retail

“I’m Not On The Clock Yet”

The Internal Customer 1.0

The Day David Beat 3 Goliath’s!

$299 a Month!

So You Give Great Customer Service?

Open Immediately Mail

Great Service…At The Social Security Office?

One Day: 2 Customer Service Experiences

Checking Account Nightmare

You May or May Not Have Cancer But We’ll Discuss Next Week. Enjoy Your Weekend!

The Wall

Throw Away the Shoes

Give Your Employees the Tools they Need!

Too Many Recordings!

Signs, Signs, Everywhere a Sign

Graffiti Guys: How on Earth do you do it?

Free Refills

Sense of Urgency: Do You Have It?

Wait: Failure Can Be Good?

I’ll Need to Speak with the Primary Cardholder

Clean up Your Side of the Street First

Free Chicken–Today Only!

The Pouter